On application
On application
Leasehold for a term to be agreed
VAT will be chargeable on the terms quoted
Each party is to be responsible for their own legal fees
B (43) – a copy of the certificate is available upon request
Strictly by prior appointment with the joint agents:
Derek Corden
07905 419 796
Disclaimer: The accuracy of any description, dimensions, references to condition, necessary permissions for use and occupation and other details contained herein is not guaranteed and is for general guidance only and prospective purchasers or tenants must not rely on them as statements of fact or representations and must satisfy themselves as to their accuracy. Broadlands nor any of their employees or representatives has any authority to make or give any representation or warranty or enter into any contract whatever in relation to the Property. Rents quoted in these particulars may be subject to VAT in addition. The reference to any mechanical or electrical equipment or other facilities at the Property shall not constitute a representation (unless otherwise stated) as to its state or condition or that it is capable of fulfilling its intended function. Prospective tenants/purchasers should satisfy themselves as to the fitness of such equipment for their requirements. December 2023.